Originally from Japan, hydrangeas are probably one of the most beautiful flowering shrubs.
Easy to plant and easier to maintain, hydrangeas bloom all summer in an amazingly beautiful way. But why should we enjoy them only during summer, while you can keep them all year?
Offer your customers preserved hydrangeas that stand the test of time and defy the seasons!
Discover our selection of preserved hydrangeas available in many colours, and offer bouquets or 100% natural plant walls that combine magic and sustainability. Our offer is exclusively reserved for professional florists and interior designers. Our delivery deadlines are quick especially for orders done before 1 pm. You can even receive your order in just 24 hours!
With SecondFlor, florists and interior designers have a wide range of preserved hydrangeas that will stay fresh and outstanding for a long time through a special treatment. From the family of Hydrangeaceae, preserved hydrangeas are available in all colours and shades: cream, dark blue, light pink, orange, apricot... SecondFlor has also several accessories to stimulate your creativity. To complete your floral compositions, you can also lean over our preserved orchids and our other plants, including the queen of flowers: eternal rose...
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